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CANopen Intro

CANopen and CANopen FD are higher-layer protocols for CAN and CAN FD (CANbus, Controller Area Network)

CANopen is a network used in many every-day products consisting of multiple microcontrollers that need to communicate with each other. CANopen is based on CAN (Controller Area Network) which is implemented in hardware in microcontrollers of all major chip manufacturers. If you don't know much about CANopen, here is a brief introduction of CANopen.

The CANopen specification is available for free and can be requested from the CiA organization. The main documents are the Draft Standards CiA301 and CiA401 or CiA1301 for CANopen FD. The additional Draft Standard Proposals are optional, depending on the application implementing CANopen. For a list of current device and application profiles, see the list of profiles at CiA. 

Embedded Systems Academy provides a variety of information about CANopen and CANopen FD, view the educational videos, read the www.canopenbook.com or checkout latest articles published on LinkedIn or the Blog. CANopen source code is available here.

When shopping for CANopen products, check out the CANopen Store US or CANopen Store EU.

This Page is dedicated to North American Users and Developers of CANopen Networks
Also see www.CANbus.us for more information on the CAN bus or Controller Area Network

CANopen® is a registered trademark of the CAN in Automation User's Group. This site is not affiliated with or represents CAN in Automation. It is an independent source of information for CANopen.
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CANopen Application Articles

CANopen Application Articles

Customizing CANopen for Use in an Automated Laboratory Instrument
is a paper that shows CANopen application example that shows how CANopen can be modified to best match the requirements of a specific application. First published/presented at the 8th iCC in Las Vegas

CANopen compliant boot loader and monitor/debugger core for Flash microcontroller
is an article that shows a minimized CANopen implementation using only 2k of code.

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Code, Tools & Utilities

Code, Tools & Utilities

If you need to add a CANopen interface to your device, then using a CANopen source code like Micro CANopen will help you to provide all required functionalities. If working on or with source code poses a challenge for you, consider using CANopen SoM - System on Module. Such modules can either directly connect digital or analog data to CANopen or provide an easy to use serial UART interface/gateway.

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Reading & Learning

Reading & Learning

Betting on CAN and CANopen
An article giving answers to questions like: In which market segments are CAN and CANopen used today? How many CAN nodes are out there? In which market segments will CAN and CANopen be used in the future?

Embedded Networking with CANopen is an introductory article that was first published in Circuit Cellar

CANopen API - Recommended Practice
This is an attempt to provide a common application programming interface for CANopen solutions.

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CAN and CANopen® Books available in English

Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen
by Olaf Pfeiffer, Andrew Ayre, Christian Keydel, 2003
Check reviews, pricing and availability: amazon.com

Controller Area Network
by Konrad Etschberger, 2001
Check reviews, pricing and availability: amazon.com

CAN System Engineering: From Theory to Practical Applications
by Wolfhard Lawrenz, 1997
Check reviews, pricing and availability: amazon.com

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